
Field Services

Field Services

Vibration analysis

Vibration analysis is a proven technology used for identifying and preventing equipment defects. An effective vibration analysis program can protect the life of your machinery by identifying bearing and other defects prior to equipment failure, resulting in less downtime and increased plant productivity.


Precision machinery alignment is accomplished at installation or during maintenance/ repair using precision optical / laser measurement instruments by professionals.


On site balancing provides a practically efficient method for test facilities, assembly and plant maintenance to balance complete rotor assembly in position, avoiding disassembly of Equipment, cost of transport, labor and down - time.

Oil analysis

We are providing oil analysis service to a wide range of industries and applications. Oil analysis may typically apply to low-speed machines, critical gearboxes and hydraulic systems. Oil is routinely analysis and monitor and analysis to help determine the source and severity of the problem.

Ultrasound testing

For detect leakages in compressed air, gas and vacuum systems. They reliably inspect bearings, the functioning of valves as well as steam traps and detect electrical partial discharges on medium or high-voltage equipment. By applying an ultrasonic transmitter the SONAPHONE devices can also be used for tightness testing of cabins, hatch covers, containers and other unpressurized systems.

Infrared thermography

Infrared thermography as a predictive maintenance inspection technique is a widely-recognized and effective non-destructive (NDT) testing tool used often to check electrical and mechanical systems, buildings, roofs and facilities. IR is also used to improve manufacturing processes.

NDT testing

(Non-Destructive Testing)

NDT or Non-Destructive Testing is a test of the integrity of the weld to look for defects that occur in the weld. without damaging the weld line and continue to use it safely In order for the weld to be able to bear the load according to the design of the weld (Conformance to Design), the test will use the principles of physical properties as the main, such as light, X-rays or gamma, magnetic fields, high-frequency sound waves, etc.

Ultrasonic Testing (UT) - Ultrasonic Testing It is a test based on high-frequency sound waves that the human ear cannot hear. High-frequency sound waves are generated from crystals located inside the probe (Probe). The sound waves travel towards the specimen through the couplant. If the specimen has no disconnection from the instrument screen, there will be a signal. reflected from the bottom surface of the workpiece