
Viscosity (Condition Monitoring)

The CMT Viscotube is a falling ball viscosimeter allowing to measure the viscosity of oil in centistokes on site.

The Viscotube closes the gap between the low cost viscosity stick and the highly accurate Heated Viscosity Meter.

The Viscotube is equipped with a clear screw cap at each end allowing to see the falling ball arrive at the other end. A tripod support stand on a mirror base plate helps to monitor the falling ball. The device is supplied with three sizes of balls to cover a wide range of viscosity. A digital thermometer is used to measure the temperature after completing the test.

The CMT Viscotube is a falling ball viscosimeter allowing to measure the viscosity of oil in centistokes on site.

The Viscotube closes the gap between the low cost viscosity stick and the highly accurate Heated Viscosity Meter.

The Viscotube is equipped with a clear screw cap at each end allowing to see the falling ball arrive at the other end. A tripod support stand on a mirror base plate helps to monitor the falling ball. The device is supplied with three sizes of balls to cover a wide range of viscosity. A digital thermometer is used to measure the temperature after completing the test.

The CMT Viscostick provides information whether the viscosity has increased or decreased. Typically it will detect 5-10% fuel dilution as well as increases in viscosity due to oil contamination like water. It can not be used to get an actual viscosity value but you will get an idea whether the viscosity is greater or smaller than the viscosity of the reference oil. It is essential that both oils have the same temperature at the time of the measurement.

Ordering Information


Viscotube Oil Test Kit

Range:20-600 cSt @ 40°C, using
three sizes of balls
No. of Tests:Unlimited
Test time:1 – 10 minutes


Viscosity Oil Test Kit

Range:go / no go
Application:Lubricating oils, viscous
No. of Tests:Unlimited
Test Time:1 minute


Test Kit Cleaner (250 ml)