
Wireless sensor Machine Defender

Assess the health of your rotating machinery quickly, easily and accurately using Acoem’s Machine Defender app and the VT-300 wireless sensor.

Set up in seconds

Once you have downloaded the app, you just need to input a few parameters and you’ll be ready to identify risks and make prioritised maintenance decisions based on Machine Defender’s automatic diagnostics. Even if you’ve never used a vibration diagnostic tool before, Machine Defender makes the process effortless. Icons will appear on your screen and you simply select your machine’s components, transmission type – direct driven belt drive or gearbox, then the machine’s speed in RPMs and power range in horsepower.

Accurex™ driven precision diagnostics

Automatic vibration diagnostics are delivered to your tablet in a matter of seconds via Acoem’s built-in proprietary Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform, Accurex™. It provides fast, relevant and reliable results for a wide range of potential machine faults, including:

  • Unbalance

  • Misalignment

  • pump cavitation

  • structural resonance

  • bearing issues

  • lubrication

  • gear wear

  • Shock/modulation resulting from looseness or electrical defects

  • Other ISO defects (soft footing, belt wear or a nearby disturbance)

Navigate the system with ease

The patented, colour-coded and icon-based user interface makes the analysis of your rotating machinery straight forward. The self-guided 3D graphics create a virtual image of your machine on your tablet and eliminates potential errors. Analysis and diagnostic data is displayed in an easily digestible format and uses a traffic light system to alert you to possible faults and a degree of confidence percentage in its assessment, adding an extra layer of protection.

Quick and easy wireless measurements

The Machine Defender app was designed to work in perfect harmony with the Acoem VT-300 wireless sensor. The lightweight stainless steel patented wireless sensor can be fitted with a high-powered bipolar magnet making it suitable for curved shafts. The VT-300 is a tri-axial wireless accelerometer, meaning you can acquire synchronous measurements in X, Y and Z directions altogether and send them wirelessly in a matter of seconds to the mobile device.

Cloud-connected collaborative platform

Connecting to the Acoem Cloud allows you to share your data with teams around your business to leverage reliability performance. Operational and maintenance areas can access individual reports, machine history as well as trending capabilities. Your machine’s vibration diagnostics will be available instantaneously in the field so you can take immediate action as required to optimise its efficiency.

Expand your proactive maintenance capabilities

Machine Defender is just one solution in Acoem’s Augmented Mechanics Ecosystem – the first truly flexible and scalable solution for combining different technologies on the same mobile platform to deliver reliable and precise proactive and predictive maintenance for industrial machinery. Continually add tools or upgrade as new technologies become available, or as your specific needs change over time.

In addition to the Machine Defender app, the Ecosystem currently features:

  • The Pre-alignment app, designed to remove the complexity of your laser alignment process, making it faster and more reliable (works with the Acoem wireless Run-out probe)

  • The Horizontal alignment app, delivering the fastest and most accurate laser alignment capabilities on the market thanks to superior technology sensors and dedicated features (works with an Acoem AT-200 wireless laser sensor)

  • The Vertical alignment app, offering the best user experience for the alignment of vertical machines with the same features as the Horizontal app (works with an Acoem AT-200 wireless laser sensor)

  • The Bearing Defender app, providing quick first-level information on bearing health based on vibration readings in a matter of seconds (works with an Acoem VT-300 wireless vibration sensor)